§ 111.30 RETAIL SALES.
   (A)   Sale restricted. No person shall sell at retail, and no person shall deliver in consequence or in completion of such a sale, any alcoholic beverages at any place in the town except at a retail alcoholic beverage store in strict conformity with this subchapter and the laws of the state.
   (B)   Manner of sale.
      (1)   No person shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages at a retail alcoholic beverage store other than:
         (a)   In retail containers;
         (b)   At ordinary room temperatures;
         (c)   In the original package; and
         (d)   For consumption off the premises.
      (2)   No person owning, employed in or in any manner assisting in the maintenance and operation of such a store shall suffer or permit any alcoholic beverage to be consumed, or any retail container of such beverage to be opened, on the premises of such store.
   (C)   Sale on credit. No person, at any retail alcoholic beverage store in this town, shall sell any alcoholic beverage on credit.
   (D)   Prizes or premiums. No owner or proprietor of a retail alcoholic beverage store, and no person employed therein, shall offer or furnish any prize, premium, gift or similar inducement to a consumer in connection with a sale of alcoholic beverage.
(Prior Code, § 3-2B-6) Penalty, see § 111.99