(A)   Placement on collar. The owner shall cause the tag received from the town offices to be affixed to the collar of the dog upon which the tax has been paid so that the tag can easily be seen by officers of the town; and the owner shall see that the tag is so worn by the dog at all times.
   (B)   Lost tags. In case the tag is lost before the end of the year for which it was issued, the owner may secure another for the dog by applying to the town offices, presenting the original receipt, and paying a fee as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (C)   Counterfeiting or unlawfully using tags. No person shall counterfeit, or attempt to counterfeit, any tag issued for a dog as provided in this chapter, or take from any dog a tag legally placed upon it, or place such tag upon a dog for which the tag was not specifically issued.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-12) (Ord. 278, passed 1-5-1995)