Nothing in this code shall be construed to prevent the vehicles of the United States Postal Department, while engaged in the business of said Department, or the duly authorized and licensed operators of such vehicles in pursuance of their duties under said Department from:
   (A)   Double parking. Double parking such vehicles while engaged in collecting and delivering U.S. mail;
   (B)   Running motor. Leaving the vehicle while the motor is running in a double parked condition without a licensed operator therein;
   (C)   Loading and taxi zones. Using areas designated as “loading zones” and “taxi zones” for the collection and delivery of the U.S. mail;
   (D)   Parking in alley. Leaving the vehicle parked in an alley where less than ten feet of alley width remains for the use of through traffic; and
   (E)   Passenger loading zones. The use of designated passenger loading zones, however, such exemptions shall apply only for the purpose of momentary stops for mail pick up and delivery and shall not permit the use of such areas for the general mail delivery.
(Prior Code, § 6-4-2)