(A)   Prior to the impoundment of any vehicle found in violation of the provisions of § 70.36 of this chapter, a written complaint shall be signed by the owner of private property, or the occupant or person in charge thereof, or by the investigating officer, and said complaint shall be verified by the Town Attorney after investigation. Said complaint shall thereafter be filed with the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the town. Upon the payment of the fine hereinafter fixed, either on plea of guilty or after conviction, and after the payment of any other penalties, and in particular those required in § 70.36 of this chapter, the Clerk of said Court shall issue to the owner of any such vehicle a receipt for the payment of the fine and other penalties lawfully assessed against the owner.
   (B)   The owner of said vehicle, upon presentation of the receipt to the owner or person in charge of the storage yard or place in which his or her said vehicle has been impounded, shall be entitled to have delivered over to him or her, his or her vehicle after the payment of towing and storage charges.
(Prior Code, § 6-8-3)