(A)   In case of emergency caused by a shortage of water in the town water system, it shall be the duty of the town utilities authority to give immediate notice by publication to the water consumers of the system restricting use of water obtained from the system for any purpose other than domestic use, and such other use as they may designate, for so long as such water shortage shall last.
   (B)   Thereafter, and until the town utilities authority proclaims the emergency at an end, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, during the existence of the emergency, to use water obtained from the town water system for purpose of watering or sprinkling a lawn, flower bed, park, hedge or garden, or to use said water for any purpose other than domestic use and other uses as the town utilities authority shall designate.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-17) Penalty, see § 10.99