(A)   Approval; specifications; liability. All water main extensions, whether they be installed by private individuals or the town utilities authority, must first be approved by the Board of Trustees. A plat must be filed with the town offices showing exact location of extensions, size of line that is proposed to be laid, and the number of services that the line is to serve. No line smaller than two inches shall be considered a water main. The town may alter the plans of any proposed extensions that are to be laid under the supervision of the Water Superintendent or his or her designated representatives from the town utilities authority. When a main extension has been approved, laid and tested to the satisfaction of the town, it shall become a part of the system and will be owned, operated and maintained by the town; and the town shall have full authority to operate same as any other part of the system under existing ordinances. The town shall be absolved of all personal or property damage during time of construction, and the contractor laying the extension shall file proper bond and insurance to the satisfaction of the town.
   (B)   Extension outside town limits. Where a water main extension is requested outside the town limits of the town by any person, firm, or corporation, the foregoing policy will be in effect, with the following exception: the party making the request will enter into a contract with the town prior to the time of construction if the town approves, and the town shall have full authority over such construction.
   (C)   Materials. All material used in any water main extension shall meet town utilities authority specifications.
   (D)   Street surfacing. All water lines and connections must be in place before asphalt street surfacing is applied.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-13) (Ord. 278, passed 1-5-1995)