(A)   Inspection; credentials. Officers and employees of the town utilities authority, whose duty it may be to enter upon private premises to make inspection of pipes, and fixtures, or attachments used in connection with the town’s water lines, shall be provided with a badge or other credential to identify them as officers and employees of the town utilities authority. Any officer or employee of the town utilities authority shall, upon presentation of his or her badge or other credential provided for in this section, have free access at all reasonable hours to any inspection of a water connection or line upon the premises. In case any employee is refused admittance to any premises or is prevented from making such inspection, the town utilities authority may cause the water service to be discontinued at the premises forthwith.
   (B)   Exhibition and surrender of credentials. No person who is not an officer or employee of the town utilities authority shall have, wear or exhibit any badge and credentials of the town utilities authority. It shall be the duty of every officer or employee of the town utilities authority, upon resignation or dismissal from the town utilities authority, forthwith to surrender and deliver to town utilities authority all badges and credentials of town utilities authority in his or her possession.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-12)