(A)   Fees. Any person, firm or corporation desiring water service from the town and having made application for such water service at the town offices shall pay to the town utilities authority the meter setting and connection or tap fees as set by the town utilities authority and may be changed by resolution.
   (B)   Premises more than 100 feet from main. When the premises to be connected are over 100 feet from the town water main, the applicant for service shall pay the entire cost of running the pipe any additional distance to the property to be served, providing the designated service has been approved.
   (C)   One service to a premises; one premises to a service. No premises shall be allowed more than one service connection unless for good cause shown. A special permit therefor shall be given on approval of the Board of Trustees and on appeal to the Board of Trustees if such an appeal is requested. Every separate premises supplied by the town water must have its own separate service connection and meter with the town main; and the premises so supplied shall not allow water to be supplied to any other premises.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-4)