§ 51.03 DEPOSITS.
   Any person, firm or corporation desiring water service from the town shall make application for such water service at the Town Clerk’s office and pay a deposit to said office as follows.
   (A)   Single-family owners. Single-family residential users, showing ownership of property, shall pay a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (B)   Single-family renters. Single-family residential users, renting property or mobile home spaces, shall pay a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (C)   Normal industrial and commercial users. Normal industrial and commercial users, owners or renters, shall pay a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (D)   Large industrial users. Large industrial users of water shall make a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (E)   Food service. Restaurants and/or food service users shall pay a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
   (F)   Mobile home parks. Mobile home parks using one master meter will be charged a deposit as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-3) (Ord. 277, passed 7-7-1994)