(A)   Administration. The town offices shall have charge of all ordinary financial operations of the water system as a business enterprise, including billing for water rents; collection of fees for taps, material, line extension, water deposits, water rents, penalties and any other money payable to the town in the ordinary financial operations of the water system; together with the keeping of proper accounts. The town offices shall not have any function regarding the control, operation, repair maintenance and improvement of the physical plant of the water system. The Board of Trustees shall regulate the relationship between the town offices and the town utilities authority when the same is not regulated otherwise.
   (B)   Use of water, sewer, and solid waste systems. Every residential inhabitant within the corporate limits of the town, and every commercial or business entity or enterprise who may practically do so, shall secure all of its potable water requirements from the water system owned by said town and leased to the town utilities authority, connect to the sanitary sewer system owned by said town and lease to said authority, and not otherwise dispose of sewage, unless it is impossible or not feasible to fo so, and utilize and pay for the solid waste collection and disposal system, unless it is inconsistent to do so in accordance with the policies of said authority and other applicable requirements if this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 8-1-1) (Ord. 278, passed 1-5-1995; Ord. 337, passed 6-10-2010)