Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Ord./Res. No.
Date Passed
Virgil D. and Helen B. Shephar d; vacating certain alleyway s located in Lots 1 through 6, and Lots 7 through 12 in Block 14; Lots 3 and 10, and Lots 4 and 9, in Block 14 running northerl y; between Lots 1 and 10 in Block 13 and a certain street between Blocks 13 and 14, designat ed Short Street. All of which are located in Belleville, Indiana.
9-10-19 90
Virgil C. Foster; vacating certain alleyway s commen cing at Lot 7, Block 1 in James W. Beck’s addition; and at Lot 8, Block 1 in James W. Beck’s addition, both of which are located in Danville , Indiana.
8-12-19 91
Glen R. and Betty L. Arnold, Fred. R. Hamilto n, and Henry and Ruth Walton; vacating certain alleyway s located between Lots 3 and 4 in Block 16; between Lots 3 and 4, and between Lots 8, 10, and 11 in Block 16; and between Lots 8 and 10, all of which are located in Bellevill e, Indiana.
11-4-19 91
George W. and Anita M. Kolchec k, and Michael T. and Elaine S. Martin; vacating a certain ten-foot alleyway located at Summit Street in Cartersb urg, and running east to its point of terminus .
3-30-19 93
Roger D. and Anna-M arie Lash; vacating a certain street located 50 feet on the west side of Lot 5 in section 1 in Lakewo od Estates, Brown Townshi p.
5-3-199 3
Doris Copelan d; vacating certain alleyway s beginnin g in the northwe st corner of Lot 4, Block 2; beginnin g in the northwe st corner of Lot 1, Block 2; and beginnin g in the southeas t corner of Lot 4, Block 2, all of which are located in New William sburg, Marion Townshi p.
9-27-19 93
Emmett Wheatle y, develope r of Wheatle y Subdivis ion; vacating a certain street located in a part of the northeas t quarter of section 7, townshi p 16 north, range 1 east of the second principal meridian in Middle Townshi p (consent given by Gerald and Valerie Huber and Harold and Cheryl Lowe, homeowners).
1-16-19 96
Robert A. and Shirley J. Godlet; vacating a certain alleyway that is 15 feet wide lying immedia tely west of Lot 10 in the western addition in Bellevill e, Indiana.
2-5-199 6
Mary V. Bartley and Karen Malicoat ; vacating certain alleyway s, one of which is ten feet long, platted along the south line of Lots 17, 18, and 19, between Co. Rd. 450 W to the west and running east to Middle Street; the other being ten feet long, platted along the east line of Lots 16 and 17, and the west line of Lot 18, between South Street and the north and southeast corner of Lot 17 and the southwest corner of Lot 18.
9-22-19 97
Michael L. and Marjorie Coates; vacating a certain public street that is a part of Gates Subdivis ion, section 1, northeas t quarter of section 27, townshi p 17 north, range 1 east.
9-10-20 01
Vacating a certain right-of- way and reverting ownersh ip to Allen T. and Deborah L. Reed.
12-26-2 001
Vacating a certain right-of- way between Lots 5 and 6 in Westvie w Terrace, section 1, and reverting ownersh ip to the West Pines Baptist Church Corporat ion.
9-16-20 02
Christin e Berry; vacating certain alleyway s between and/or abutting Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18; also the north half of South Street abutting Lots 16 and 17, and the balance of the South Street right-of- way abutting Lots 19 and 20, All of which is located in Reno, Indiana.
10-7-20 02
Daniel Dale and Onvetta Jean Herrin; vacating a certain alleyway located in Lot 3, Block 7; for Marshall D. and Mary J. Crawfor d, the north half of Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 7; and for Judy K. Wildma n, the south half of Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 7. All of which is located in Bellevill e, Indiana.
8-17-20 04
Richard A. and Deborah E. Noah; vacating a public alleyway located north of Lots 19 and 20 in the Carter’s Addition , Clayton, Indiana.
R. 04-09
10-19-2 004
Gilbert Drive in the Gilbert’s Addition , section 1; vacating a certain street beginnin g at the northwe st corner of Lot 2.
9-13-20 05
Karen R. Furby, Douglas E. and Tamara S. Orebaug h, and Brian R. and Lori Ann Craighea d; vacating certain alleyway s located south of Lots 1, 2, and 3, said alleyway also lying north of Lots 10, 11, and 12 in Block 3; east of Lots 4 and 9 in Block 3, said alleyway also lying west of Lots 3 and 10 in Block 3; and on the entire east side of Lot 4, Block 3, measuring 21 feet, and 21 feet off and across the entire east side of Lot 9, Block 3. All of which is located in New Winchester, Indiana.
10-3-20 06
Cedar Run Ltd., Inc.; vacating a certain right-of- way located on a portion of the northeas t quarter of section 20, townshi p 14 north, range 2 east of the second principal meridian in Guilford Townshi p.
2-6-200 7
Norman G. Paxson, Jr.; vacating certain alleyway s located on the north of and adjacent to Lot 9; between Lots 9 and 10; between Lots 10 and 11; between Lots 11 and 12; south of, and adjacent to, Lot 12; north of, and adjacent to, Lot 3; between Lots 3 and 2; south of and adjacent to Lot 2; and the alleyway running north and south located east of, and adjacent to, Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12. All of which are located in Block 7 in the Hayley’s Addition, New Winchester, Indiana.
6-5-200 7
Cedar Run Ltd., Inc.; vacating a certain right-of- way on the portion of Racewa y Road that was re-locate d as part of the develop ment of Heartlan d Crossing Business Park.
R. 07-03
12-11-2 007
Vacating certain streets beginnin g at a part of the northwe st quarter of section 20, townshi p 15 north, range 2 east of the second principal meridian .
R. 08-02
2-12-20 08
Vacating certain streets beginnin g at a part of the southwe st quarter of the northwe st quarter of the northeas t quarter, and a part of the southeas t quarter of the northeas t quarter of the northwe st quarter of section 29, townshi p 15 north, range 2 east, Guilford Townshi p.
R. 2009-01
1-13-20 09
Vacating a certain street located on part of the southwe st quarter of section 25, townshi p 14 north, range 1 west; and part of the northwe st quarter of section 36, townshi p 14 north, range 1 west, both of which are located in Liberty Townshi p.
5-12-20 09
George D. and Peggy L. Ford; vacating a right-of- way located on the plat of Melissa P. Hypes addition to North Salem, Indiana, beginnin g at the corner of Lot 4 in Block 3.
2-9-201 0
Town of Coatesvi lle; vacating certain alleyway s located on a 12-foot portion bounded by Lots 5 and 6 on the east and Lot 7 on the west, running south to north from the south lines of Lots 5 and 7, and Lots 6 and 7 in Block 4; and on a 12-foot portion of the north side of Block 4, both of which are located in Coatesvi lle, Indiana.
5-22-20 12
Jeffrey J. Laskows ki, trustee of the Jeffrey J. Laskows ki trust; vacating a right-of- way located on the south half of Wyatt Way, commen cing at the northeas t quarter of the southeas t quarter of section 32, townshi p 17 north, range 1 west of the second principal meridian .
9-25-20 12
Bradley D. and Lori L. Wilson; vacating a right-of- way located on a 50-foot portion of the right-of- way for S.R. 75 lying south of Lot 1 in Minor Plat 880, a subdivis ion in Eel River Townshi p.
9-25-20 13
Adam M. Parsons; vacating a right-of- way located on a portion of Market Street which lies east of its intersect ion with Co. Rd. 200 E, between Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 8, and Lots 7,8, 9, and 10 in Block 1 in Bellevill e, Indiana.
7-11-20 17
Sara Svendso n; vacating a right-of- way located on South Street between Lots 1 and 2 of Blue Valley Estates Subdivis ion, Guildfor d Townshi p.
10-13- 2020
Janet A. Wroten and Mark E. Wroten; vacating a right- of-way located between Lots 8 and 9, the entire alley running north and south that lies east and adjacent to Lot 10, and the portion of an alley running east and west that lies south of and adjacent to Lots 8, 9, and 10, Town of Maplew ood.
2-23- 2021
SMH Properti es; vacating a rights- of-way platted as part of Lots 7, 8, 10, and 12, adjacent to Block 6 in the original Town of Bellevill e.
6-22- 2021
Theodor e Lee Englert, Wayman E. Waites, and James M. Waites; vacating a right- of-way located between Lots 63 and 64 in James H. Oliver’s Addition to the Town of Cartersb urg.
6-22- 2021
B&B Farm Holding s, LLC.; vacating a right- of-way located between two tracts of land, being Tract A (the northwe st quarter of section 8, townshi p 14 north, range 1 east in Liberty Townshi p) and Tract B (65 acres off of and across the entire east side of the southwe st quarter of Section 5, township 14 north, range 1 east).
8-24- 2021
Todd and Kelly Gowen and Bryan and Wanda Daugher ty; vacating the entire alley located between Lot 4 and Lot 5 south of East 350 in Plainfiel d Manor, section 1.