(A)   Public health nursing.
Type of Fee
Type of Fee
Personal Health Services*
Immunizations (state provided)
Price based on VFC maximum allowable administration fee.
(no charge if the patient is unable to pay)
Nursing services, and county-purchased immunizations, tests, and blood screens
Prices based on cost of supplies, vaccines, and other necessary components of service.
*   Exception will be given to patients who meet the financial hardship policy adopted by the County Board of Health. The Health Department accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance payments for these services. Cash, check, and credit card are also accepted.
Other Services
Universal precautions training
$10 per person
Vaccination records
$2 per copy
   All communicable disease outbreak control situations where it is necessary to immunize all persons at a place of business to protect those individuals exposed or endangered by the possible communicable disease and to protect the health of the general public, the business entity or owners of the business shall pay for the cost of all vaccines, supplies, and other necessary components of service received by all individuals at the place of business.
   (B)   Vital records.
Type of Vital Record Service
Type of Vital Record Service
Birth Records
Affidavit of amendment
Birth certificate (per copy)
Genealogy search (per name)
Home birth registration
Paternity affidavits
Plastic wallet size birth certificate sleeve
Death Records
Death certificate (per copy)
   (C)   Environmental health.
      (1)   Food establishments.
Type of Fee
Type of Fee
Plan Review
Plan review
Pre-opening inspections (for third and subsequent visits)
$50 per inspection visit
Food Establishment Permits
Pre-packaged potentially hazardous foods only
$100 per year
Minimal food preparation
$200 per year
Extensive handling of raw ingredients
$300 per year
Additional fee for late renewal
$50 per application
Bed and breakfast establishment
$75 per year
Farmers’ market vendor (no potentially hazardous food)
$25 per year at one location
(maximum $75 per year)
Farmer’s market vendor (with potentially hazardous food)
$75 per year at one location
(maximum $225 per year)
Mobile retail food establishment with no food preparation
$50 per unit/year
Mobile retail food establishment with food preparation
$100 per unit/year
Pushcart with all food pre-packaged
$25 per unit/year
Temporary food establishment
$40 per event
Additional fee for late application
$25 per application
   A fee of $50 may be imposed for each additional visit or inspection conducted by the Health Department due to previous inspection findings.
   A fee of $50 may be imposed for any additional visit or inspection conducted by the Health Department as a result of a fire or other emergency in a food establishment.
      (2)   On-site sewage disposal (septic) systems.
Type of Fee
Permits (valid one year from date of issue)
Gravity trench system
Pump assisted trench system
Sand mound
System other than those listed above
Repair of a system component (pipe, tank, pump)
Temporary sewage holding tank for newly constructed residence
Other Septic Inspection and On-Site Visits
On-site investigation for construction/maintenance
   A fee of $50 may be imposed for each additional inspection that is scheduled due to previous inspection findings or incomplete installation.v
      (3)   Well protection. Valid one year from date of issue.
Type of Permit
New well and pump permit
Replacement pump permit
      (4)   Solid waste.
Type of Permit
Landfill operating permit (annually)
Refuse processing facility (annually)
      (5)   Temporary campground.
Type of Fee
Temporary campground inspection
$50 per visit
      (6)   Pools.
Type of Fee
Annual permit for public pool
-   Pool permits are valid from January 1 to December 31 of that year.
-   The term “public pool” includes a wading pool, hot tub, or spa.
Additional inspections
   An additional fee of $50 may be imposed for each inspection that is scheduled due to previous inspection findings.
      (7)   Tattoo operations.
Type of Fee
Fixed or mobile facility
$50 per booth/station per year
Fixed issued after June 30 (to December 31)
Half of annual fee
Temporary event coordinator plan review
$25 per artist station in plan
Temporary event artist fee
$50 per artist
Late renewal fee
      (8)   Environmental lead investigations.
Type of Investigation
Initial environmental lead investigation
Follow-up environmental lead investigation
   Exception will be given to patients who meet the financial hardship policy adopted by the County Board of Health. The Health Department accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance payments for these services. Cash, check, and credit card are also accepted.
(Ord. 2018-10, passed 5-9-2018; Ord. 2022-25, passed 6-28-2022)