§ 503.07 IMPOUNDING.
   (A)   Police to impound.
      (1)   Any dog found unlicensed or running at large contrary to the provisions of this part may be impounded in a veterinary facility, or boarding facility. Notice of the impoundment shall be in accordance with divisions (B) or (D) below.
      (2)   If the owner or lawful possessor of the animal has not claimed the animal within ten days after such notice, the not claimed animal is abandoned and the owner has no further rights or claim to the animal.
      (3)   The police officer impounding any dog shall follow these guidelines.
         (a)   Animals shall not be transported in a police car.
         (b)   An officer is not required to pick up any animal unless the officer determines that the animal is injured or poses a threat to the safety of the residents.
         (c)   If an animal is identified as belonging to a resident of the city, an attempt shall be made to deliver the animal to the resident or notify the resident prior to impounding. However, the officer shall always retain the right to ticket such resident for violation of the provisions of this part.
   (B)   Notice of impoundment.
      (1)   The notice required under division (A) above shall be given by the veterinarian, boarding facility or police officer to the owner or the owner’s agent at the person’s last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested, or may be served upon the owner or owner’s agent in the manner that a summons is served in a civil court action in the district courts.
      (2)   The notice must notify the owner or owner’s agent that the animal may be redeemed by paying all prior expenses incurred within ten days or the animal is abandoned and will be disposed of in accordance with this section.
   (C)   Disposition.
      (1)   If the animal is not claimed within ten days, the veterinarian or boarding facility becomes the owner of the animal and the animal may be disposed of as they consider proper.
      (2)   Upon the veterinarian or boarding facility becoming the owner of the animal, the veterinarian or boarding facility is relieved of any liability for disposal of the animal.
   (D)   Additional notice. If the notice under division (B) above is not given to the owner or owner’s agent, or if the address of the owner or owner’s agent is not known, notice must be given by the veterinarian, boarding facility or police officer by publishing one notice in a legal newspaper circulated in the county where the animal was delivered to the veterinarian or boarding facility not less than ten days before the animal is to become the property of the veterinarian or boarding facility under division (C) above. The published notice must contain the information required in division (B) above.
   (E)   Penalty. Notwithstanding this section, the owner of an impounded dog shall remain subject to all other penalties in this part.