11-41-2: STANDARDS:
   A.   Structures located within the wildland-urban interface district may not have exposed, wooden roofing materials, whether treated or untreated, and must have noncombustible or fire resistant roofing materials that are rated class C or higher in accordance with ANSI/UL 790 or ASTM E 108 or any equivalent test.
   B.   Existing roofs that undergo renovation, alteration, or repairs that involve more than ten percent (10%) of the square footage of the affected roof plane must meet the requirements of this chapter. If the renovation, alteration, or repair involves more than fifty percent (50%) of the square footage of the area of the entire roof, then the entire roof must comply with the requirements of this chapter.
   C.   All vents in roofs, chimneys, gables, and eaves must be screened with openings no larger than one-fourth inch (1/4") in size. (Ord. 3093, 1-28-2008)