A.   Computation Of Fee: Any party desiring to connect to the city water system shall be subject to a water system development fee (SDF).
Said fee shall be paid in full by the party seeking connection before issuance of the building permit. (Ord. 3177, 6-10-2013, eff. 7-15-2013)
   B.   Water Service Upgrade: Whenever a customer requests an upgrade in water service that necessitates the installation of a larger meter, said customer shall pay to the city an incremental water system development fee. The incremental water system development fee shall be computed by subtracting the smaller meter's system development fee from that of the larger meter's. Said fee shall be due and payable at the time application is made for the upgraded service. No refund shall be made to any water user who decreases his/her meter size.
   C.   Fire Lines: A water line devoted exclusively to providing fire protection services is a fire line and shall be exempt from water system development fees.
   D.   Credit For Excess Capacity: After the effective date of this section, when an applicant is required to pay for water improvements that are extra capacity general benefit facilities (defined in subsection G of this section), the applicant may request that the cost for the extra capacity paid by the applicant become a credit against the water system development fee for properties of the applicant served by installed water improvements. The director of public works is to determine the amount of the recommended credit based upon the cost of the approved extra capacity general benefit facilities. The city commission may then, by resolution, grant credit to the applicant to be used toward water system development fees.
   E.   Size Of Meter: The city reserves the right to determine the size of water meters to be installed on customer water service lines.
   F.   Relationship To Other Fees: The water system development fees established herein shall be paid to the city in addition to any other water fees, rentals or charges adopted by the city commission pursuant to other ordinances or resolutions.
   G.   Use Of Fees: All funds received in payment of water system development fees shall be deposited in a segregated account. The use of said funds, and any interest earned thereon, shall be for expansion of general benefit water facilities and/or for the retirement of bonds sold for such purposes. "General benefit water facilities" are defined as water treatment facilities, water pumping stations, storage reservoirs, and water transmission and supply lines more than twelve inches (12") in diameter. Expenditures of these funds shall be recommended by the director of public works and authorized by the city commission by passage of a resolution. At no time shall more than one-half (1/2) of the estimated annual proceeds be committed to retirement of bonds.
   H.   Updating Of Fees: The fee shall be updated at a minimum of once every three (3) years on the anniversary of its effective date, based upon the following formula, utilizing the most recent available edition of the "Handy Whitman Index Of Cost Trends Of Water Utility Construction For The Plateau Region" to determine the current depreciated replacement value:
= Charge per capacity unit
= Current depreciated replacement value
= Outstanding debt principal
= Maximum capacity units
(Ord. 2401, 5-19-1986)