(A)   A designated representative shall maintain a proper system of accounts and records suitable for determining the operation, maintenance, replacement (OM&R), and debt retirement costs for the treatment facilities and shall furnish the Council with a report of such costs annually.
   (B)   At that time the Council shall determine whether sufficient revenue is being generated for the effective management of the facilities and debt retirement. The Council will also determine whether the user charges are distributed proportionately. If necessary, the SSCS shall be revised to ensure proportionality of user charges and sufficient funds.
   (C)   In accordance with state requirements, each user will be notified annually in conjunction with a regular billing of that portion of the sewer service charge attributable to OM&R.
   (D)   Sewer service charges shall be billed on a monthly basis. Any bill not paid in full 60 days after the due date will be considered delinquent. At that time the user will be notified regarding the delinquent bill and subsequent penalty. The penalty shall be computed as 10% of the original bill and shall be increased by the same percent for every month the bill is outstanding.
(Prior Code, § 53.82) (Ord. 181, passed 8-10-1993)