This Drug/Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedure is not intended to replace the Drug Free Workplace Programs but to define and clarify, who will be tested, when the employees will be tested and where employees will be tested. The following four employee categories define under which category each full time, part time/temporary and volunteer employee will be tested:
   (A)   Any employee who drives a Village vehicle, tractor, tractor mower or similar motor-powered equipment that moves under its own power will be tested under the Federal DOT testing standards.
   (B)   Testing for employees of the Police Department shall be controlled by the provisions set forth in their union contract.
   (C)   All other Village employees who are not included within the two categories listed above in (A) or (B) will be subject to testing to comply with the requirements necessary to establish a Drug Free Workplace within the Village.
   (E)   Part time/temporary employees and volunteer employees of the Village will remain exempt from pre-employment and random testing as defined in this testing program, but they can be included for testing if reasonable suspicion should arise, or an accident should occur during the tenure of their part time/temporary or volunteer employment. After reasonable suspicion of abuse of drugs or alcohol has been established or an accident should occur, the decision to request a drug and alcohol test for the employee must be deemed necessary and reasonable by the Mayor and/or the supervisor of the employee.