The following streets shall be designated as parking meter zones:
| ORD. NO.
| ORD. NO.
| From High St. to the Broadway Bridge
| 540.11
| 6-22-42
Court St.
| Between Main St. and High St.
| 540.11
| 6-22-42
E. Main St.
| From the Fire Department to the Salvation Army headquarters
| 520.9
| 3-4-57
E. Main St.
| From High St. to the lower property line of the Coca-Cola bottling works
| 540.16
| 3-1-55
Fleet St.
| Between Main St. and High St.
| 540.11
| 6-22-42
High St.
| From E. Main St. to Main St.
| 540.11
| 6-22-42
High St.
| From the Methodist Church to the furniture store
| 520.9
| 3-4-57
Main St.
| At E. Main St. to the Coca-Cola bottling works
| 520.9
| 3-4-57
Main St.
| From High St. to the county jail
| 520.9
| 3-4-57
Main St. and E. Main St.
| Between the intersection of Main St. and High St. and the property line of Dix Hotel on the south
| 540.11
| 6-22-42
Memorial Dr.
| From its intersection with High St. and E. Main St. to its intersection with Combs St. and Newland St.
| 540.11a
| 6-1-45