Requirements to be met subsequent to issuing the permit include the following:
   A.   Utility Location: The permittee shall be responsible for ascertaining the location of all underground utilities and other facilities which may affect the work prior to beginning excavation.
   B.   Traffic Interference Minimized: Work shall be scheduled as to cause a minimum of interference with pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic and a minimum of inconvenience to the general public and to the adjacent property owners. All equipment, materials, excavated soil, and any other items related to the work shall be confined within the work area.
   C.   Access Unobstructed: Access to mailboxes and driveways shall not be obstructed unnecessarily. Emergency vehicles shall be permitted to pass at all times. Fire hydrants and valves shall be accessible at all times.
   D.   Water Flow Unobstructed: Stormwater facilities shall be kept open so as to permit the free and unobstructed flow of water.
   E.   Detours: Temporary detours for vehicles and pedestrians shall be constructed where deemed required by the city engineer.
   F.   Excavation: Trench excavation and backfilling operations shall be coordinated such that the length of open trench is never over two hundred feet (200'). There shall not be any unattended open trenches. By dusk, all backfilling and compaction shall be completed.
   G.   Surplus Materials Removed: By dusk of each workday, the work area shall be cleaned of all debris, materials, equipment, etc., except traffic control devices. After completion of the work, the work area must be maintained in a clean and safe condition until the permanent patch is placed.
   H.   Material Stockpiled: Material excavated from trenches shall be temporarily stockpiled adjacent to the trench in such manner as to provide a safe working environment and as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the general public.
   I.   Monuments: The city shall require the permittee to preserve, protect and/or perpetuate any land monuments or reference points of whatever material set for the purpose of defining the limits of property or establishing land lines, boundaries or elevations. All such monuments that may become damaged or destroyed shall be referenced and reestablished by a professional land surveyor, licensed by the state of Idaho, at the expense of the permittee.
   J.   Street Cuts: Where street surfacing has been in service three (3) years or less, the contractor must bore crossings. Street cuts parallel to centerline must be approved by the city engineer and will require resurfacing using a paving machine. Crossings of major collector streets and arterials may require boring at the direction of the city engineer.
   K.   Backfill: Backfill at subgrade shall not show visible deflection under four thousand (4,000) pounds' wheel load. Backfill shall be placed in accordance with standard drawing M-11 shown in exhibit B attached to the ordinance codified herein. It shall be mechanically compacted with tamping rollers, sheepsfoot rollers, vibrating rollers or other mechanical tampers. Backfill material shall be placed in layers of thickness compatible to the type of compaction equipment being used. Each layer shall be evenly spread and compacted until the specified relative compaction has been attained.
   L.   Street Patches: Street patches shall be constructed in accordance with current city standards shown in exhibit B attached to the ordinance codified herein. All permanent patches shall be hot mix asphalt concrete with a minimum asphalt thickness of two inches (2").
   M.   Work Hours: All work will be performed between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and sunset, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise authorized by the city. (Ord. 216, 10-16-2006)