A.   Speed: It shall be unlawful to operate a golf cart at a speed in excess of the posted speed limit.
   B.   Careless Driving: It shall be unlawful to operate a golf cart carelessly or heedlessly, or without due caution and circumspection or at a speed or in a manner as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property.
   C.   Conformance With Traffic Controls: All golf carts shall conform to all vehicular traffic controls.
   D.   Abide By Traffic Laws: All golf carts shall abide by all traffic laws, rules and regulations.
   E.   Headlights And Taillights: Every golf cart upon a city street at any time from sunset to sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible persons and vehicles on a city street at a distance of five hundred feet (500') ahead shall display lighted headlights and taillights. (Ord. 264, 8-20-2013)