This chapter shall be administered and enforced by the town’s Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator, or his, her or their deputy, shall have authority to issue building permits and certificates of occupancy. They shall have authority to make inspection and to make all decisions necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter. No oversight or dereliction on the part of the Zoning Administrator shall legalize, authorize or excuse the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 17.24.010) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
(A) No building shall be erected, moved or structurally altered unless a permit therefor has been issued by the Zoning Administrator, and no permit shall be issued unless the building or structure proposed is in full conformation with this chapter, except in those instances where a permit has been granted for a variance by the Board of Adjustment.
(B) All applications for building permits must be accompanied by drawing, to scale, showing plot plan and location, floor plan, height and size of all proposed building, and the locations and dimensions of fences, signs and parking and loading areas.
(C) All certificates of occupancy shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and shall be available for examination by the public.
(Prior Code, § 17.24.020) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
(A) No land or building shall hereafter be changed in use, nor shall any new structure, building or land be occupied or used without first having obtained a certificate of occupancy from the Zoning Administrator.
(B) Such certificate of occupancy shall be issued within five days of the time of notification that the building is completed and ready for occupancy.
(C) All certificates of occupancy shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and shall be available for examination by the public.
(Prior Code, § 17.24.030) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)