No non-conforming use of a building or structure may be changed to another non-conforming use, except when the new non-conforming use is of a more restrictive nature, as may be determined by the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 17.20.080) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
(A) A certificate of occupancy shall be applied for where any land or building is made non- conforming as to use by the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(B) Such certificate shall be applied for and issued within one year after the effective date of the passage of said ordinance.
(C) Failure to apply for the certificate within this period constitutes a violation of said ordinance and appropriate action will then be taken under the provisions of this chapter relating to violations.
(Prior Code, § 17.20.090) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)