Within the districts established by this chapter or amendments that may later be adopted, there exist lots, structures, uses of land and structures, and characteristics of use which were lawful before the ordinance codified in this chapter was passed or amended, but which would be prohibited, regulated or restricted under the terms of said ordinance or future amendments. It is the intent of this subchapter to permit these non-conformities to continue until they are removed, but not to encourage their survival. It is further the intent of this subchapter that the non-conformities shall not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, nor be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district.
(Prior Code, § 17.20.010) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
Non-conforming lots of recorded at the time of the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter may be built upon or used after the passage of said ordinance, but only with an unconditionally permitted use in the zone district, and by approval of the Board of Adjustment. No lot conforming in size at the time of the passage of said ordinance shall be subdivided or reduced in size in such a way that it would become non-con-forming.
(Prior Code, § 17.20.020) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
(A) No building or use that is non-conforming as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be structurally altered or expanded in any way that would increase the degree or area of non-conformance.
(B) The following changes or alterations may be made to a non-conforming building:
(1) Repair to a building or structure that is ordered by any public official to make it safe;
(2) Maintenance repairs that are needed to keep the building in good condition; and
(3) Any structural alteration that would not increase the degree of non-conformance or would change the use to a conforming one.
(Prior Code, § 17.20.030) (Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)