(A) Uses permitted.
(1) One-family dwelling (not an automobile house trailer);
(2) Two-family dwelling (not an automobile house trailer);
(3) Churches;
(4) Hospitals;
(5) Schools;
(6) Library, museum, playground park, recreational building area;
(7) The taking of boarders or the leasing of rooms by a resident family;
(8) Farms, truck gardens and nurseries and non-commercial greenhouse;
(9) Home occupation; provided that, it does not change the character thereof. The following occupation, because of its detrimental impact on the character and value of residential properties, or on the peace, tranquility, safety and quiet of a residential zone district, is prohibited as a home occupation: sexually-oriented businesses and, irrespective of whether the use may be categorized as a sexually-oriented business, no retail or wholesale sales to consumers upon the premises of any types of materials specified in § 156.041 of this chapter that describe or depict specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas shall be permitted;
(10) Utility mains, transmission and distribution lines (and service facilities), also railway right-of-way and passenger station, but no railway yards;
(11) Accessory buildings and uses;
(12) Nursery;
(13) Uses customarily incident to any of the above purposes, including:
(a) One name plate of the occupant of the premises which shall not exceed one square foot in area;
(b) One temporary sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of building or premises; and
(c) One name plate, sign or bulletin board at the entrance of a church or similar institution, which shall not exceed 25 square feet in area.
(a) Multiple dwelling;
(b) Rest homes, convalescent homes and nursing homes;
(c) Hotels (including services such as newsstands, barber shops and dining rooms when conducted and entered only from within the building and there is no exterior display or advertising, except for an announcement sign not exceeding two square feet in arch) and apartments;
(d) Private club or lodge and social and community center building, excluding.any which has as its chief activity a service customarily carried on as a business;
(e) Boarding or lodging house;
(f) An institution of an educational, philanthropic or eleemosynary nature;
(g) Mortuary;
(h) Motel or tourist court;
(i) Office building for carrying on business or profession;
(j) Repair shop, not including motor vehicle or machinery;
(k) Such other use as shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter;
(l) Mobile homes; and
(m) Kennels (raising animals for profit).
(Prior Code, § 17.08.010)
(B) Minimum lot area.
(1) Per one-family dwelling: 4,500 square feet; and
(2) Per two-family dwelling: 5,500 square feet.
(Prior Code, § 17.08.020)
(C) Minimum lot width. Per one- or two-family unit: 50 feet.
(Prior Code, § 17.08.030)
(D) Minimum front yard. Principal buildings: 25 feet.
(Prior Code, § 17.08.040)
(E) Minimum side yard. Principal building: five feet for any side yard, for the front 75 feet of any lot; for the balance of said lot, one foot for any side.
(Prior Code, § 17.08.050)
(F) Minimum floor area.
(1) Six hundred square feet for every one-family dwelling;
(2) One thousand square feet for every two-family dwelling; and
(3) Four hundred square feet for every living unit in a three-family dwelling or multiple-family dwelling in excess of three units.
(Prior Code, § 17.08.060)
(Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995; Ord. 1-2009, passed 7-6-2009)
(A) Uses permitted.
(1) Any uses permitted in the R-A Districts, including the conditional uses provided for such district;
(2) Any commercial business not involving manufacturing, processing or treatment of the products, except for the following:
(a) Any trade, industry or use that is injurious, noxious, offensive or hazardous by reason of the emission of odor, dust, fumes, smoke, noise or vibration, or that is dangerous to life or property; and
(b) Any use which is a nuisance.
(3) Sign for identification of business located on the premises; and
(4) The Board of Adjustment, in its discretion, may upon proper application, permit a commercial business to conduct such manufacturing, processing or treatment of products as may be clearly incidental to the retail business on the premises, but no such manufacture, processing or treatment of products may be carried on unless first approved and a special permit has been granted by the Board of Adjustment.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.010)
(B) Minimum lot areas. None.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.020)
(C) Minimum lot width. None.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.030)
(D) Minimum off-street parking. Motel, rooming and boarding house: one space (ten feet by 20 feet) for each rental unit.
(Prior Code, § 17.12.040)
(Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)
(A) Uses permitted.
(1) Any uses permitted in R-A, R-B District, including all conditional uses; and
(2) Any other use not otherwise prohibited by law; provided, however, that, none of the following uses shall be established unless such use shall be approved and a special permit granted by the Board of Adjustment:
(a) Acid manufactures;
(b) Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture;
(c) Fireworks, explosives, manufacture or storage;
(d) Fertilizer manufacture and potash refining;
(e) Fuel manufacture;
(f) Garbage, offal or dead animal reduction or dumping;
(g) Glue manufacture, fat rendering or distillation of bones;
(h) Petroleum refining;
(i) Smelting or refining of metals;
(j) Stockyards or abattoir;
(k) Stone mill or quarry;
(l) Feed yard for livestock;
(m) Junk yards; and
(n) Any other trade, industry or use that is injurious, noxious, offensive or hazardous by reason of the emission of odor, dust, fumes, smoke, noise or vibration, or that is dangerous to life or property.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.010)
(B) Minimum front yard. None.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.020)
(C) Minimum rear yard. None.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.030)
(D) Minimum off-street parking. None.
(Prior Code, § 17.16.040)
(Ord. 95-3, passed - -1995)