No person shall begin the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or removal of any building, structure, wall, fence, pool, tennis court, underground lawn sprinkler, invisible dog fence, siding, reroofing, or driveway approach, or part thereof, nor shall any person begin the clearing or excavation of the site of any such improvement without first having applied to the village clerk for a permit to do so and obtaining such permit in writing from the village.
No person shall begin the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or removal of any dog run, regardless of the estimated cost of such work, without first having applied to the village clerk for a permit to do so and obtaining such permit in writing from the village.
No person shall perform any work in connection with any improvement listed above in a manner which alters or disrupts the existing drainage pattern to and from adjoining properties. No such improvement, except a driveway approach, shall be located in or on any public right of way. (Ord. 1626-16, 2-22-2016)