It shall be the duty of the director of public works to:
   A.   Subject to the provisions of ordinances of the village, take special charge and superintendence of all public streets, alleys, lanes, highways, walks, crosswalks, bridges, tunnels, viaducts and other public improvements in the village and all public buildings in the village belonging to the village, the erection of all public buildings of the village, and any street lighting system of the village.
   B.   Be in charge of all public sewers and drains in any of the streets, alleys, avenues, or public places in the village, to see that they are kept in good order and condition and clear and free from obstructions, and he shall cause to be made such repairs thereof and of the receiving basins, culverts and openings connected therewith, as may from time to time become necessary.
   C.   Supervise the operation of any village owned potable water system throughout the village including repair of water lines, pumping equipment, and storage facilities.
   D.   Inspect the operations of the municipal garage to determine the quality of automotive and equipment maintenance and repair work.
   E.   Prepare operating and capital budget requirements for matters under his jurisdiction.
   F.   Prescribe the mode of piercing or opening any of the public sewers or drains or between sewers and drains and the form, size and material of the connection therewith, except as otherwise provided, and shall have authority to issue a permit granting permission to make lateral connections with such sewers and drains and between sewers and drains.
   G.   Subject to the provisions of the ordinances of the village, direct the manner of using the public streets, alleys, lanes, highways and other public places of the village where improvements are being installed or repairs are made, including the erection of electric light, telephone, streetlight, traffic light, cable television and other poles or posts, signs, canopies and other overhead structures; for the laying down of gas, water, steam and other pipes, electric light and telephone conduits and sewers authorized by law or the ordinances of the village and to determine the location thereof when no other or superior authority of the state shall have such supervision. It shall also be his duty to see that during the progress of such construction, alteration, placement or installation, the location thereof shall be in a safe condition so as to prevent an accident by erecting barriers and notices where required. (Ord. 1222-07, 6-4-2007)
   H.   Make, prepare and submit all necessary plans, maps, plats, profiles, specifications, ordinances and estimates for any public work or improvement which may be proposed or ordered by the mayor and board of trustees or the chief operating officer. (Ord. 1222-07, 6-4-2007; amd. Ord. 1290-09, 8-17-2009)
   I.   Make all estimates for payment on contracts as the work under his supervision progresses and as may be required under the ordinances, specifications and contracts.
   J.   Carefully preserve in his office all engineering field notes, maps, plans, profiles, papers, books, writings and records made by him or coming to or being in his office and to arrange and index the same in such a manner that a ready reference may be had thereto.
   K.   Furnish all necessary lines and grades of streets and alleys, or portions thereof, to persons desiring to use the same for the purpose of properly locating and constructing any sidewalk, curbing or building, but upon the terms and payment of fees established by ordinance.
   L.   Make any and all surveys of public property in and for the village that may be ordered by the mayor and board of trustees and enter into the plat books of the village all plats and changes of plats approved by the mayor and board of trustees.
   M.   Provide for the plan review and inspection services of all public improvements proposed to be installed within the village limits in accordance and subject to the provisions of the ordinances of the village.
   N.   Review and participate in civil engineering project work; confer on requirements and established project schedules; review field survey work; participate in final engineering design work, estimates, computations and verifications of data; review and recommend with respect to contract documents.
   O.   Determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices, to conduct engineering analyses of traffic accidents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering investigation of traffic conditions to plan the operation of traffic on the streets of this village, including parking areas, and to cooperate with other village officials in the development of ways and means to improve traffic conditions and to carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by ordinances of this village. (Ord. 1222-07, 6-4-2007)