A.   Public Comment At Public Meetings: After being recognized by the Mayor or Chair, members of the public are permitted to speak at any public, open meeting of the Corporate Authority and other commission, committee, board or other public entity ("Public Bodies") created by or subject to the Village's ordinances. The agenda of every regular and special meeting of all Public Bodies shall include a reservation of time for Public Comment.
   B.   Rules: All persons who desire to speak during Public Comment shall abide by the following rules:
      1.   Each speaker shall state their name in a clear manner so that it can be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
      2.   Comments shall be limited to topics of Village business that are non-agenda related.
      3.   For agenda items, comments may be made during the agenda item, when recognized by the Mayor or Chair.
      4.   No person shall speak during the Public Comment time for more than three (3) minutes, unless the Mayor or Chair designates a longer time period. A speaker may not yield their time to another speaker. The Mayor or Chair may permit additional time at his or her discretion taking into account the number of persons wishing to be heard on a matter and the amount of business requiring attention.
      5.   Public Bodies generally do not answer questions from a speaker during Public Comment as they may not have the ability to provide an immediate response at the meeting. The Mayor or Chair may direct the speaker to the appropriate village official or staff member for assistance.
      6.   Members of the public may be asked to avoid repeating comments that have already been made, although they may be given the opportunity to indicate that they agree or disagree with an earlier speaker.
      7.   No person may be discourteous, belligerent, impertinent, threatening, disparaging, or otherwise uncivil. The Mayor or Chair may limit the comments of any person who engages in such conduct.
(Ord. 2277-23, 9-18-2023)