Requests for variation from the requirements of this Chapter 19 shall be initiated by written application which seeks to vary the provisions of this Chapter 19. The application requesting variation shall be accompanied by a fee equal to the fee charged for a zoning variation (Section 9-6-10) and shall be submitted to the Village Clerk who will forward such application to the Zoning Board of Appeals for processing in accordance with applicable statutes of the State of Illinois and the provisions of this Chapter 19. The application shall indicate the specific provisions of this Chapter 19 which the applicant seeks to vary. A public hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-16-7, as they pertain to and concern public hearings and variations. All recommendations and findings of the Zoning Board of Appeals on variations arrived at after the hearing shall be accompanied by findings of facts specifying the reason or reasons for recommending the approval or disapproval of the variation, and the decision of the Village Board shall be final and subject to judicial review only in accordance with applicable statutes of the State. (Ord. 1965-19, 9-23-2019)