A.   The total light output from all luminaires (shielded and unshielded) used for outdoor lighting in a non-residence zoning district where a property has no more than ten (10) parking spaces (including handicapped accessible spaces) shall not exceed six hundred and thirty (630) lumens per parking space. Lighting installations located under canopies shall only contribute to fifty percent (50%) toward this limit. Any luminaire with a light output exceeding one thousand (1,000) initial luminaire lumens shall have necessary shielding and/or beam-angle control and/or shall be installed in the proper orientation to achieve fully shielded performance with respect to a horizontal plane. All unshielded luminaires shall only contribute ten percent (10%) toward this limit.
   B.   The total light output from all luminaires (shielded and unshielded) used for outdoor lighting in a non-residence zoning district where a property has more than ten (10) parking spaces (including handicapped accessible spaces) shall not exceed two and a half (2½) lumens per square foot of hardscape. Lighting installations located under canopies shall only contribute to fifty percent (50%) toward this limit. Any luminaire with a light output exceeding one thousand (1,000) initial luminaire lumens shall have necessary shielding and/or beam-angle control and/or shall be installed in the proper orientation to achieve fully shielded performance with respect to a horizontal plane. All unshielded luminaires shall only contribute ten percent (10%) toward this limit.
      1.   When lighting intersections of site drives and public streets or roadways, a total of six hundred (600) square feet for each intersection may be added to the actual site hardscape area to provide for intersection lighting.
      2.   Additional allowances for sales and service facilities:
         a.   Outdoor Sales Lot - eight (8) lumens per square foot.
            (1)   This allowance is lumens per square foot of uncovered sales lots used exclusively for the display of vehicles or other merchandise for sale, and may not include driveways, parking or other non-sales areas. To use this allowance, luminaires must be within two (2) mounting heights of sales lot area.
         b.   Outdoor Sales Frontage - one thousand (1,000) lumens per linear foot.
            (1)   This allowance is for lineal feet of sales frontage immediately adjacent to the principal viewing location(s) and unobstructed for its viewing length. A corner sales lot may include two adjacent sides provided that a different principal viewing location exists for each side. In order to use this allowance, luminaires must be located between the principal viewing location and the frontage outdoor sales area.
         c.   Drive-Up Windows - four thousand (4,000) lumens per drive-up window.
            (1)   Luminaires must be within twenty (20) feet horizontal distance of the center of the window in order to use this allowance.
         d.   Vehicle service station - eight thousand (8,000) lumens per fuel pump
            (1)   This allowance is lumens per installed fuel pump.
         e.   No more than two allowances may be used per site.
   C.   The installed height of any luminaire used for outdoor lighting in a non-residence zoning district, except for street lighting, shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet above average finished grade to the lowest point on the installed luminaire.
   D.   Except as otherwise stated herein, any luminaire used for outdoor lighting in a non-residence zoning district which emits light directed at a building or other outdoor feature shall be located at or above the top of said object and be aimed and controlled so that the direction of all emitted light is at or below horizontal and the directed light is substantially confined to the object intended to be illuminated. (Ord. 1965-19, 9-23-2019)