A.    Materials On Sidewalks, Public Grounds:
      1.    Obstructing Public Ways: No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited, cast or place upon any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground within the City any timber, wood, lumber, ashes, rubbish, offal, vegetables, paper, shavings, carcass, earth or any substance whatsoever which may obstruct any such street, alley, sidewalk or public ground or impede, or endanger travel thereon, or which shall injure or disfigure the same, or tend to render the same dangerous, unclean or a nuisance; nor shall any person cause or suffer any wagon, carriage, cart or other vehicle, or any box, crate, bale, barrel, package, merchandize or other object of thing to remain upon any such street, alley or public ground longer than may be necessary. In case any of the materials, substances or objects mentioned in this subsection shall be found remaining within the City in violation of this subsection, it shall be duty of the Street Superintendent or Chief of Police or any member of the City Council to forthwith notify by written or verbal notice the person who may have placed or caused to be placed any such substance or thing upon such street, alley, sidewalk or public ground to immediately remove the same or cause the same to be removed within a reasonable time; and in case of failure thereof it shall be the duty of the party notifying to cause the removal thereof to some convenient and proper place at the expense of such owner to be recovered in an action against such offending party to be prosecuted in the name of the City.
      2.    Sale Of Goods On Sidewalks: It shall be lawful, notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, for any regular dealer or merchant to set out for sale or display any goods, wares or merchandize on or over the sidewalk in front of and within three feet (3') of his store, provided said goods not be dangerous, unsightly or a nuisance.
      3.    Building Materials On Streets; Permit: No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited or kept any building material upon any street; and any person wishing to use any part of a street, alley or public ground while constructing a building upon the abutting premises shall first obtain a permit therefor from the City Council, which permit shall be effective only for the time therein stated.
   B.    Animals:
      1.    Fastening Of Animals; Placement Of Carts: No person shall place or cause to be placed any wagon, cart, carriage or vehicle upon any sidewalk or crosswalk in the City so as to obstruct the same, nor shall at any time fasten any horse or other animal in such a way that such horse or other animal, vehicle, reins or lines shall be an obstacle to the free use of the sidewalk or crosswalk and any person in whose possession or use such horse or other animal shall then be, shall be deemed the offender, unless he can prove the contrary.
      2.    Hitching Animals: No horses or other animals shall be hitched or tied to any shade trees or any box of protection around such tree without the consent of the owner, nor shall any such animal be hitched or tied to any lamppost within the City.
   C.    Street Lamps: All street lamps, lampposts or lighting devices used or erected by the City shall be under the control of the City Council and any person who shall injure or destroy such street lamp, lamppost or lighting device or cause the same to be injured or destroyed, whether through carelessness or otherwise, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 40, 6-3-1907)