A.    Notice Of Construction; Closure; Hearing: Whenever the City Council shall, upon its own motion, determine to lay out, widen, extend, open or close any street, lane, alley, square or public ground or upon petition signed by the owners of at least one-half (1/2) of the property abutting upon such ground, said Council shall give public notice of such determination or petition and set a date for hearing thereon by publishing a notice thereof at least once in a legal newspaper within the County, setting forth the purposes and date of such meeting and after such hearing the Council may act upon such determination or petition either favorably or unfavorably in accordance with law.
   B.    Sidewalks; Construction, Repair:
      1.    All sidewalks shall be ordered and constructed in the manner provided by law and the City Council may by order, signed by the Mayor, direct any sidewalk, sewer or gutter previously built to be repaid, when necessary, and the cost of such improvement or any part thereof, not less than one-half (1/2), shall be levied by resolution upon the lots or parcels of ground on the street or side thereof so improved. In case such repairs shall not have been made within twenty four (24) hours after the service of such notice either by servicing the same on the owner of in case of inability to serve such notice on the owner, by posting said notices upon the premises for two (2) days, then it shall be the duty of the Street Superintendent to forthwith cause the same to be repaired and make his report thereof to the City Council.
      2.    Whenever any sidewalk shall be hereafter constructed in the City, it shall be built in the manner and of the material to be approved by the City Council; and any sidewalk constructed otherwise shall not constitute a legal or lawful sidewalk and may be removed when a regulation sidewalk shall have been ordered in accordance with law.
   C.    Excavations: Any person engaged in any building operation or making any excavation upon or adjoining any public street, alley or public ground shall construct and maintain all proper guards and maintain proper signal lights during the hours of darkness to warn passers-by of danger and to prevent accidents. Any person engaged in any moving, building or excavating upon or adjoining any public street, alley or public ground shall cause red lights to be placed in a conspicuous place, during darkness, and a reasonably convenient passageway shall be kept and maintained in front of any building during the process of construction to be approved by the City Council; and no person shall occupy any street for building purposes without having arranged for such public passageway to be maintained as above stated. Any such person who shall occupy such street, alley or public ground as aforesaid shall, when the work is completed, place the street, alley or public ground in the same condition as it was before such occupancy. (Ord. 40, 6-3-1907)