(A)   Site: Area allotted per mobile home unit, including yard, driveway, etc., and the actual space on which the mobile home sets.
   (B)   Dead side: To have a minimum allowance of six feet (6').
   (C)   Entry side: To have a minimum of twenty feet (20').
   (D)   Rear (back):
      1.   Exterior lot line: To have a minimum of ten feet (10') from exterior perimeter on any side.
      2.   Interior lots: To have a minimum of six feet (6').
   (E)   Front: To have a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the edge of the property line.
   (F)   Storage sheds: To be required for each lot and to be built not less than forty eight (48) square feet, with a minimum height of six feet (6').
   (G)   Built on additions (entry): If built on to the trailer, shall not be located closer than ten feet (10') to the adjacent property line.
   (H)   The owner of the mobile home court shall provide a portable type of garbage cart with wheels, per mobile home; to be of a type which will hold at least two (2) not more than thirty five (35) gallon containers, with two (2) handles and tight fitting lids.
   (I)   Each lot is to have a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the lot area as grass, and there are to be two (2) trees per lot, which are to be at least one inch (1") in diameter when planted.
   (J)   Each lot shall have a minimum of twenty feet by twenty feet (20' x 20') of off street parking area, to be constructed of either asphalt or concrete. (If asphalt, to have a treated 2 foot by 10 foot plank for the perimeter.)
   (K)   If a fence is located on the perimeter of a lot, across the front and the two (2) sides, back twenty feet (20') shall not exceed four feet (4'), and the remainder shall not exceed seven feet (7') in height. (Ord. 579, 2-5-1973)