The total cost of all sidewalks and curbs constructed by the sidewalk and curb contractor, or that may be repaired by the engineer in accordance with the orders of the council or in the maintenance of sidewalks and curbs (which total cost shall include that of the sidewalk and curb proper as well as that of any notice, publication, inspection, grade, fill, handrailings, manholes, manhole covers, trap doors, private crossings and all other necessary expenditures), together with interest at six percent (6%) per annum from the date of issuance of the warrant therefor, shall be assessed as a special tax against the property in front of or along which any sidewalk or curb is built or constructed or repaired.
The property occupying street corners to be assessed for that part of such sidewalk or curb or repairs thereon lying within the street intersections. (Ord. 97, 8-5-1910)