The city may, at any time, require a property owner's consent to annexation as a condition of continued sewer service. When the city determines to require such consent from a particular property owner, the city may notify the property owner, in writing, that the city seeks such consent and that if such consent is not given, the city will require that the property owner discontinue receiving sewer service. The property owner may notify the city in writing of his or her consent to annexation. If within thirty (30) days of the property owner's receipt of such notice, the property owner contacts the city and makes firm arrangements, in writing, to discontinue sewer and water service, then the city shall not further pursue obtaining the property owner's consent. If, however, the property owner has not, within such time period, made firm written arrangements to discontinue sewer and water service, then the city shall be entitled to treat the property owner as having consented to annexation of his or her property upon the expiration of such time.
If the property owner consents to annexation under any of the methods described above, the property owner may not thereafter withdraw his or her consent to any proposed annexation of his or her property. If the property owner consents to annexation under any of the methods described above, then the city shall be entitled to disregard any protest that such property owner makes to a proposed annexation of his or her property. Nothing herein shall prevent the city from seeking consent even if the city has previously obtained a waiver of protest from such property owner or from his or her predecessor in interest. (Ord. 863, 12-1-2008)