No person shall commence or proceed with any of the following work without first securing a permit from the Planning and Inspections Department pursuant to Chapter 153, or the State Building Code, any other state laws, or any other chapter of the City of Havelock Code of Ordinances, as applicable to the following types of work:
   (A)   The construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal, or demolition of any building or structure;
   (B)   The installation, extension, alteration, or replacement of any plumbing system;
   (C)   The installation, extension, alteration, or replacement of any heating or cooling equipment system;
   (D)   The installation, extension, alteration, or general repair of any electrical wiring, device, appliance, or equipment; or
   (E)   The installation of driveways, curb-cuts, and concrete pads in coordination with the Public Services Director or his/her designee.
(1989 Code, § 4-6) (Ord. passed 6-26-1972; Am. Ord. passed 7-25-2011)