Massage practitioner’s licenses issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be effective for one year from the date of issue and, provided that the license has not been revoked and the applicant submits an application to the City Clerk pursuant to § 112.36 (although the applicant shall not be required to re-submit the materials described in § 112.36(B)(9) and (B)(12)) which application is unchanged from the immediately previous year (including the contents of any criminal record check except for minor traffic offenses), the massage practitioner’s license may be renewed annually by the City Clerk; otherwise, the massage practitioner’s license may be renewed only by submission of a new application pursuant to §§ 112.35 and 112.36 and approval of the application by the City Clerk in accordance with this chapter. An applicant is required to submit information required at the time of renewal even if the information was not required at the time of the original application. Each license shall be issued subject to the condition that the massage practitioner display his or her license in a conspicuous place within view of any person receiving manual or mechanical massage or similar treatment under this chapter; provided, that if the licensed massage practitioner be an employee of a regulated facility duly licensed under this chapter, his or her license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises of the regulated facility.
(1989 Code, § 9-15) (Ord. passed 7-24-1972; Ord. 98-08, passed 6-22-1998; Ord. 01-05, passed 6-11-2001; Ord. 11-O-04, passed 3-28-2011; Ord. 15-O-02, passed 7-27-2015)