(A)   Submission procedure.
      (1)   The subdivider shall submit 14 copies of the preliminary plat and any supplementary materials to the Planning and Inspections Director at least 30 days before the regular meeting of the Planning Board at which the plat is to be considered. The Planning and Inspections Director will place the preliminary plat on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Planning Board and contact the Technical Review Committee (TRC) as to the receipt of the plat and present the TRC with copies of the plat.
      (2)   Development in stages. When a subdivision is to be developed in stages, the preliminary plat shall be submitted for the entire development. A final plat shall be submitted for each stage.
   (B)   Required information.
      (1)   Generally. The preliminary plat shall contain the information shown in Appendix A.
      (2)   Supplementary materials.
         (a)   A copy of the restrictive or protective covenants applicable to the subdivision, if any;
         (b)   Landscape plan, showing streetscape and buffer yards, with plans for land clearance per Chapter 157;
         (c)   Public water supply system plans, including the layout and details of mains. These plans must be approved by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state;
         (d)   Floodplain management plan, which shall include the layout, details and proposed land use of floodplains or floodways and subdivision lots which partially or completely are located in identified flood hazard areas, the location and construction of facilities and utilities (sewer, water, gas and electricity) to minimize flood damage, adequate drainage to reduce exposure to flood hazards, and base flood elevation data;
         (e)   Any permits or plans for any on-site stormwater system, BMP or other stormwater management arrangement, including but not limited to, plans or permits required by law to be submitted to the state, which plans shall bear the seal of a professional engineer licensed to practice in North Carolina; and
         (f)   Any additional information as deemed necessary by the city.
   (C)   Action by Technical Review Committee. The preliminary plat shall be checked against the design standards improvement requirements, plat requirements and other UDO requirements by the Technical Review Committee (TRC). The TRC shall make recommendations to the Planning Board.
   (D)   Action by Planning Board.
      (1)   The Planning Board shall review the preliminary plat and the recommendations from the Technical Review Committee. The Planning Board shall then discuss with the subdivider changes deemed advisable, if any, and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him or her.
      (2)   The Planning Board may require the subdivider to revise the plat before it is submitted to the City Board of Commissioners. The Planning Board shall present its review to the City Board within 45 days from the meeting at which it is first scheduled.
      (3)   The Planning Board shall present the preliminary plat along with its recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
   (E)   Action by the Board of Commissioners.
      (1)   The Board of Commissioners shall review the preliminary plat and the recommendations from the Planning Board. The Board shall approve, approve conditionally or disapprove the preliminary plat.
      (2)   If the preliminary plat is approved, approval shall be noted on two prints of the plat. One print of the plat shall be transmitted to the subdivider and the second approved print shall be retained by the Board of Commissioners.
      (3)   In the case of conditional approval, the reasons for conditional approval and the conditions to be met shall be specified in writing. One copy of the reasons and conditions, along with one print of the plat, shall be retained by the Board of Commissioners and a print of the plat with the reasons for conditional approval shall be given to the subdivider and the Planning Board. The City Board may require the subdivider to submit a revised preliminary plat including the recommended changes before approving the plat.
      (4)   Upon approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may proceed with the installation or arrangement of the required improvements in accordance with the preliminary plat as approved and the requirements of this chapter and with the preparation of the final plat.
      (5)   When a preliminary plat is disapproved, the Board of Commissioners shall specify the reasons for the action in writing. One copy of the reasons and one print shall be retained by the Board of Commissioners, and a print of the plat with the reasons for disapproval shall be given to the subdivider and the Planning Board.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2011)