(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to empty, spill, discharge, release, or deposit in any storm sewer system, directly or indirectly, any substance, liquid, or solid, which by reason of its nature:
      (1)   Is or may become a public health hazard endangering human or animal health;
      (2)   Is a nuisance, including substances which are unsightly or malodorous or may become so;
      (3)   Interferes or may interfere with free and rapid flow of surface water;
      (4)   Is flammable or explosive;
      (5)   Is toxic to plant or animal life;
      (6)   Is corrosive or has properties which may damage or render unsightly the storm sewer system; and/or
      (7)   Affects adversely the State of North Carolina classification of the stream into which the storm sewer system discharges.
   (B)   The following discharges to the City’s storm sewer system are hereby prohibited:
      (1)   Discharges from the dumping of oil, antifreeze, paint, or cleaning fluids;
      (2)   Discharges from contaminated foundation drains;
      (3)   Sanitary sewer discharges;
      (4)   Chlorinated backwash and draining associated with swimming pools;
      (5)   Discharges from commercial car washing;
      (6)   Cooling water unless chemicals are not added and the discharge is associated with a valid NPDES permit;
      (7)   Septic tank discharges;
      (8)   Industrial discharges;
      (9)   Wash waters from industrial/ commercial activities; and
      (10)   Washing machine discharges.
   (C)   The following discharges to the City’s storm sewer system are allowed:
      (1)   Water line flushing;
      (2)   Diverted stream flows;
      (3)   Uncontaminated rising groundwater;
      (4)   Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration (as defined at 40 C.F.R. § 35.2005[20]) to separate storm sewers;
      (5)   Uncontaminated pumped groundwater discharges from potable water sources;
      (6)   Uncontaminated water from foundation drains;
      (7)   Uncontaminated air conditioning condensation;
      (8)   Irrigation water;
      (9)   Water from springs;
      (10)   Water from basement or crawl space pumps;
      (11)   Water from footing drains;
      (12)   Water from lawn watering;
      (13)   Water from car washing at personal residences that is not performed for hire;
      (14)   Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;
      (15)   Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges;
      (16)   Discharges from potable water sources;
      (17)   NPDES permitted discharges;
      (18)   Wash water from building cleaning;
      (19)   Street wash waters;
      (20)   Discharges from firefighting activities; and
      (21)   Water from landscape irrigation.
(1989 Code, § 18-4) (Ord. 01-03, passed 4-23-2001) Penalty, see § 54.99