(A)   Amendments to the text of the UDO or to the classifications of property appearing on the zoning map (i.e., to rezone property) may be made by the City Board of Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   The purpose of text or zoning map amendments is not to relieve particular hardships, nor to confer special privileges or rights on any person, but only to make adjustments to ordinance text or to the zoning map that are necessary in light of changed conditions or changes in public policy, or that are necessary to advance the general welfare of the city.
   (C)   General rezoning requests shall be made in accordance with the provisions of §§ 160.02 through 160.10.
   (D)   Conditional zoning district requests shall be made in accordance with the provisions of § 160.12.
   (E)   Amendments to flood hazard zoning and flood hazard boundary maps shall be made in accordance with the provisions of § 160.14.
   (F)   As provided in G.S. § 160D-108(b), amendments, modifications, supplements, repeal or other changes in zoning regulations and restrictions and zone boundaries shall not be applicable or enforceable without consent of the owner with regard to buildings and uses for which either: a building permit has been issued pursuant to G.S. § 160D-1110 prior to the enactment of the ordinance making the change or changes as long as the permit remains valid and unexpired pursuant to G.S. § 160D-1111 and unrevoked pursuant to G.S. § 160D-1115; or a vested right has been established pursuant to G.S. §§ 160D-108 et seq. and the provisions of § 153.24 of this UDO and the vested right remains valid and unexpired.
   (G)   The review process for amendments to the text of the UDO or to the zoning map shall include all of the following:
      (1)   Planning and Inspections Department staff review and recommendation;
      (2)   Technical Review Committee review and recommendation;
      (3)   Planning Board review and recommendation in accordance with § 160.03; and
      (4)   Board of Commissioners review and action in accordance with § 160.04.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2011; Ord. 21-O-04, passed 6-28-2021)