§ 158.081 Subdivision Design Standards Purpose.
   The subdivision design standards, adopted and prescribed in this section, are found by the Board of Commissioners to be necessary and appropriate to:
   (A)   Provide for suitable residential and nonresidential developments with adequate streets and utilities and appropriate building sites;
   (B)   Provide for the distribution of population and traffic in a manner which shall avoid congestion and overcrowding;
   (C)   Provide for the coordination of streets within subdivisions with existing or planned streets and with other public facilities;
   (D)   Provide for the dedication or reservation of rights-of-way or easements for street and utility purposes;
   (E)   Provide for the dedication or reservation of adequate spaces for public lands and buildings;
   (F)   Encourage design that is protective of environmental quality and that provides a balance between the built environment and natural and fragile natural resources; and
   (G)   Provide for the dedication or reservation of recreation, park and open space areas.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2011)