(A) Submission. Unless otherwise specified, all applications for permits under the UDO shall be submitted by the owner of the property or structure or the authorized agent of the owner to the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may require reasonable proof of agency from any person submitting an application as an agent.
(B) Form of submission. An application for any permit under the UDO shall be submitted in a form, number of copies and format as specified in the appropriate section of the UDO, together with the fees as required.
(C) Waiver of submission requirements. The Zoning Administrator may waive submission of required elements of information when, in the Administrator’s opinion, the information is otherwise unavailable or is not necessary to review the application. The Zoning Administrator may refuse to process an incomplete application.
(D) Processing. All applications for permits shall be submitted, reviewed and processed in accordance with the requirements of the UDO.
(E) Approved plans. A copy of required plans or information submitted with the application shall be returned to the applicant after the Zoning Administrator has marked the copy either approved or disapproved and attested to same. A similarly marked copy shall be retained by the Zoning Administrator.
(F) Federal, state or county permits required. A permit for any building or use for which a federal, state or county permit is required shall not be issued until the permit or approval has been issued by the appropriate federal, state or county department.
(G) Permit issuance. The issuance of a zoning, sign or special use permit authorizes the recipient to commence the activity resulting in a change in use of the land or structure, or (subject to obtaining a building permit), to commence work designed to construct, erect, move or substantially alter buildings or other substantial structures. However, except as provided in §§ 153.15 and 153.16, the intended use may not be commenced and no building may be occupied until all of the requirements of the UDO and all additional requirements imposed pursuant to the issuance of a special use permit, as applicable, have been complied with.
(H) Permit compliance.
(1) Periodic inspections. The Zoning Administrator shall have the right, upon presentation of proper credentials, or inspection warrant, if necessary, to enter on any premises within the city’s zoning jurisdiction at any reasonable hour for the purposes of inspection, determination of plan compliance or other enforcement action.
(2) Investigations. The Zoning Administrator shall have the power to conduct the investigation as may reasonably deemed necessary to carry out his or her duties as prescribed in the UDO, and for this purpose to enter at reasonable times upon any property, public or private, for the purpose of investigating and inspecting the sites of any complaints or alleged violations of the UDO.
(3) Written statements. The Board of Commissioners or its agent shall also have the power to require written statements, certificates and certifications or the filing of reports under oath, with respect to pertinent questions relating to complaints or alleged violations of the UDO.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2011)