Unless authorized by permit or other written authorization issued by the town or unless authority is granted by provisions of this code or other ordinance of the town now or hereafter enacted, it shall be a class B misdemeanor, subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, for any person to: (1976 Code § 8-111; amd. 2001 Code)
A. Property Controlled By Town: Construct, lay, excavate, erect, operate or maintain over, under, across, in or through any property owned or controlled by the town, any utility, canal, ditch, construction or building.
B. Restricted Areas: Enter upon any property of the town contrary to any posting or marking restricting or prohibiting use of the area.
C. Damage To Property: Intentionally use or perform acts upon property of the town which materially impairs, alters or damages the property. (1976 Code § 8-111)
The town council, in addition to any other penalty which may be imposed, may order any person who has damaged, altered or changed any property of the town to repair or restore the property to its original condition prior to the damage, alteration or change. (1976 Code § 8-112)