(a)   Permitting Unclean Habitations. No person shall lease, let, permit the occupancy of, permit the continuation of the occupancy of, or continue the occupancy of a structure or building or any portion thereof used for human habitation, unless such structure or building or portion thereof is free from unclean and unsanitary conditions as defined in subsection (b) hereof and unless the provisions of this section are complied with.
   (b)   When Habitations are Deemed Unsanitary. A structure, building, or any portion thereof used for human habitation shall be deemed to be in an unclean and unsanitary condition when any of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   Infection with communicable disease;
      (2)   Absence of the toilet facilities required by law or ordinance;
      (3)   Presence of sewer gas;
      (4)   Dampness or wetness due to lack of repair;
      (5)   Accumulation of dirt, filth, litter, refuse, or other offensive or dangerous substances likely to cause sickness among the occupants;
      (6)   Defective or improperly used drainage, plumbing, or ventilation facilities likely to cause sickness.
   (c)   Order for Abatement or Vacation of Premises. If the local Board of Health ascertains from examination or reports of its inspectors or sanitary officers or otherwise determines that a public nuisance, as defined in subsection (b) hereof, exists or upon any structure or building, or portion thereof, and has notified the owner, occupant, or person in charge of the premises to abate the nuisance or vacate the premises, it shall be unlawful to occupy or permit the occupancy of the premises or portion thereof until the nuisance has been completely abated and the building or portion thereof has been rendered clean and sanitary in accordance with the terms of the notices of the Board of Health.
   (d)   Enforcement of Vacation Order by Fire Chief or Police Chief. When the notice or order of vacation has not been complied with, and the Board of Health certifies such fact to the Fire Chief or Police Chief, together with a copy of the order of notice, it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief or Police Chief to enforce such notice or order of vacation and to cause the premises to be vacated in accordance with the terms of the notice or order.
   (e)   Enforcement Through Court Proceedings. Whenever the Board of Health certifies to the municipal legal officer any failure to comply with any order or notice of vacation, with the request that civil proceedings for the enforcement thereof be instituted, the municipal legal officer shall institute any and all proceedings, either legal or equitable, that may be appropriate or necessary for the enforcement of the order or notice and the abatement of the nuisance against which the order or notice was directed. These suits or proceedings shall be brought in the name of the Municipality. Proceedings under this section shall not relieve any party defendant from criminal prosecution or punishment under this code or any other criminal law or ordinance in force within the Municipality. (1998 Code Secs. 93.10 to 93.14)