929.20 PAYMENTS.
   (a)   Bills will be rendered by the utility to the customer monthly in accordance with the schedule selected applicable to the customer's service, and that all bills are payable at the business office or authorized collection agencies of the utility within the time limits specified in the schedule; and that the work "month" as used herein and in the schedules is hereby defined to be the elapsed time between two successive meter readings approximately thirty (30) days apart; and that in the event of the stoppage or the failure of any meter to register the full amount of energy consumed, the customer will be billed for such period on an estimated consumption based upon his use of energy in a similar period of like use. The utility reserves the right to estimate usage at any time it deems necessary.
   (b)   For all service furnished, the current property owner of record of the land involved is responsible for the payment all electric bills-irrespective of who incurred such unpaid bills or when such bills were incurred or who owned or occupied the property at the time such bills were incurred.
   (c)   The following rates shall be charged for special services which will be furnished under the following conditions:
      (1)   For relocation of security lights at consumer's request: Consumer shall pay Utility the actual cost of the lamp relocation as determined under determination of construction costs but not less than sixty dollars ($60.00).
      (2)   For relocation of line or pole at consumer's request: Before work starts, consumer shall agree in writing to reimburse utility for all costs incurred and shall make an advance deposit equal to the estimated costs, to be determined in the manner specified in Determination of Construction Costs below.
         Upon completion of the project, any excess deposit over actual costs will be refunded. If the deposit is insufficient, consumer shall pay the additional amount required to make up the deficiency and consumer's service shall be subject to disconnection until the deficiency is paid.
      (3)   Determination of construction costs: All special services furnished to consumer as referred above shall be paid for by the consumer and shall include the following items of cost: Direct Labor, Materials, Transportation, Store Expenses and all other Direct and allocatable cost.
         (Ord. 2023-9. Passed 9-18-23.)