(a)   It is to the interest of the customer to properly install and maintain his wiring and electrical equipment and that he shall at all times be responsible for the character and condition thereof; and that the Utility makes no inspection thereof and in no event shall the Utility or the Village be responsible therefor; and that where a customer's premises are located or serviced by the Village of Haskins or other governmental subdivision where ordinances are in affect, the Utility may withhold furnishing service to new installations until it has received evidence that all Village ordinances have been complied with; and that in addition, if the Village or other governmental subdivisions shall determine that such ordinances are no longer being complied with in respect to an existing installation, the Utility may suspend the furnishing of service thereto until it has received evidence of compliance with such ordinances. Where a customer's premises are located outside of an area where ordinances are in effect, the Utility may require the delivery by the customer to the Utility of an agreement duly signed by the owner and tenant of the premises authorizing the connection to the wiring system of the customer and assuming responsibility therefor; and that no responsibility shall attach to the Utility or the Village because of any waiver of these requirements.
   (b)   Ordinances referred to above include building codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes, fire safety codes, zoning ordinance, subdivision control ordinance and any ordinance of the Village affecting usage of land and buildings thereupon.
(Ord. 2023-9. Passed 9-18-23.)