(a)   Any Haskins Village resident who owns a swimming pool with a capacity of at least 5,000 gallons may submit a request in writing, using a form prescribed by the Village Administrator, to receive a one-time annual refund for filling and/or topping off any such pool. Any resident who wishes to receive such credit must appear in person at Haskins Town Hall to complete the application and submit the request. Such request shall include permission for Village personnel to make a reasonable inspection of the resident’s property to verify that indeed a pool in usable condition exists. The pool must be or have been filled using metered water.
   (b)   Upon receipt of a credit request, the Village Administrator shall cause an inspection to be made of the resident’s property to verify that a pool in usable condition exists. Upon completion of the inspection, the Village Administrator shall either approve or disapprove the credit request.
   (c)   Upon approval of the credit request, the Utilities Clerk shall be instructed to contact the City of Bowling Green Water Department to request that a credit be issued determined by the herein cited rate schedule. No resident shall receive more than one credit per calendar year. The amount of credit is based on the size of the resident’s pool as indicated in the credit request form and verified by inspection.
Number of Gallons Credit:
5000 - 7000
7001 - 9000
9001 - 10,000
10,000 - 12,000
12,000 or above
(Ord. 2003-15. Passed 12-1-03.)