(A)   The City Council shall cause an audit of the municipal accounts to be made by a qualified accountant as expeditiously as possible following the close of the fiscal year. Such audit shall be made on a cash or accrual method at the discretion of the City Council. The audit shall be completed and the annual audit report made not later than six months after the close of the fiscal year. The accountant making the audit shall submit not less than three copies of the audit report to the City Council.
   (B)   All public utilities, or other enterprises which substantially generate their own revenue, shall be audited separately, except in villages having a population of less than 800, and the results of such audits shall appear separately in the annual audit report, and such audits shall be on an accrual basis and shall contain statements and materials which conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
   (C)   The audit report shall set forth the financial position and results of financial operations for each fund or group of accounts of the city as well as an opinion by the accountant with respect to the financial statements. Two copies of the annual audit report shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall become a part of the public records of the City Clerk’s office and will at all times, thereafter, be open for public inspection; provided, that all villages may file an unaudited statement of cash receipts and disbursements annually in lieu of an annual audit. Such unaudited statement shall be filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts in a form prescribed by him or her. The unaudited statement of cash receipts and disbursements shall become a part of the public records of the City Clerk and shall at all times thereafter be open and subject to public inspection.
   (D)   Every governing body that is required herein to submit to an audit of its accounts shall provide and file with the City Clerk, not later than August 1 of each year, financial statements showing its actual and budgeted figures for the most recently completed fiscal year.
(Prior Code, § 1-810) (Ord. 425, passed 11-13-1984)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 19-2901 through 19-2909 and 13-606