(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CAT. A cat which is a household pet.
DEPARTMENT. The State Department of Health and Human Services.
DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any dog of the species Canis familiaris, cat of the species Felis domesticus or ferret of the species Mustela putorius furo.
HYBRID ANIMAL. Any animal which is the product of the breeding of a domestic dog with a nondomestic canine species.
OWN. To possess, keep, harbor or have control of, charge of or custody of a domestic or hybrid animal. This term does not apply to domestic or hybrid animals owned by other persons which are temporarily maintained on the premises of a veterinarian or kennel operator for a period of not more than 30 days.
OWNER. Any person possessing, keeping, harboring or having charge or control of any domestic or hybrid animal or permitting any domestic or hybrid animal to habitually be or remain on or be lodged or fed within the person’s house, yard or premises. This term does not apply to veterinarians or kennel operators temporarily maintaining on their premises domestic or hybrid animals owned by other persons for a period of not more than 30 days.
RABIES CONTROL AUTHORITY. City health and law enforcement officials who shall enforce the provisions of this section relating to the vaccination and impoundment of domestic or hybrid animals. Such public officials shall not be responsible for any accident or disease of a domestic or hybrid animal resulting from the enforcement of such sections.
VACCINATION AGAINST RABIES. The inoculation of a domestic or hybrid animal with a United States Department of Agriculture-licensed rabies vaccine administered consistent with its labeling. The vaccination shall be performed by a veterinarian duly licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the state or licensed in the state where the vaccination was administered.
(Neb. RS 71-4401)
(B) Un-collared. All dogs found running at large upon the streets and public grounds of the city without a collar or harness are hereby declared a public nuisance. Un-collared dogs found running at large shall be killed or impounded in the municipal dog shelter by the municipal police.
(Prior Code, § 6-106)
(C) Running at large. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow such dog to run at large at any time within the corporate limits of the city. It shall be the duty of the municipal police to cause any dog found to be running at large within the city to be taken up and impounded. RUNNING AT LARGE shall mean any dog found off the premises of the owner and not under control of the owner or a responsible person, either by leash, cord, chain, wire, rope, cage or other suitable means of physical restraint.
(Prior Code, § 6-107)
(D) Capture of dog impossible. The municipal police shall have the authority to kill any animals showing vicious tendencies or characteristics of rabies which make capture impossible because of the danger involved.
(Prior Code, § 6-108)
(E) Vicious dogs. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog of a dangerous or ferocious disposition that habitually snaps or manifests a disposition to bite, without said dog being securely held by a chain. If any vicious or dangerous dog is allowed to run at large, the municipal police shall have the authority to put the dog to death. Upon the written complaint of any affected person, filed with the City Clerk’s office, that any dog owned by the person named in the complaint is committing injury to persons or property, or is an annoyance, dangerous, offensive or unhealthy, the Police Department shall investigate the complaint and, if in their opinion the situation warrants, shall notify the owner to restrain such dog in a secure manner.
(Prior Code, § 6-109)
(F) Interference with police. It shall be unlawful for any person to hinder, delay or interfere with any municipal police officer who is performing any duty enjoined upon him or her by the provisions of this subchapter, or to break open, or in any manner directly or indirectly aid, counsel or advise the breaking open of the animal shelter, any ambulance wagon or other vehicle used for the collecting or conveying of dogs to the shelter.
(Prior Code, § 6-110)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 28-906 and 54-605