(A)   Restriction. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to move or cause to be moved any house, barn, building or other structure over or upon any street or streets within the city unless and until a permit to do so shall first have been issued as hereinafter provided.
(Prior Code, § 8.28.010)
   (B)   Application to move a building.
      (1)   Any person, persons, firm or corporation desiring to move any house, barn, building or other structure over or upon any street or streets in the city shall make an application in writing to the Board of Public Works and Safety for a permit to do so.
      (2)   The application shall state the origin and termination of the proposed moving and the street or streets over which it is proposed to do the moving, and shall state the height, width, length and approximate weight of the house, barn, building or other structure.
(Prior Code, § 8.28.020)
   (C)   Permit issuance.
      (1)   The Board of Public Works and Safety shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, consider the application for permit and grant or deny the same. In the event the Board grants the application, the Board shall order the City Clerk-Treasurer to issue a permit authorizing the moving, but only over and upon the street or streets within the city as the Board shall specifically authorize in the permit.
      (2)   No permit shall be issued by the Board unless and until the applicant shall first have posted a bond in a penal sum of not less than $1,000, either in cash or with sureties, to be approved by the Board. The bond shall be payable unto the city and shall guarantee that the applicant will thereby indemnify the city and all other persons, firms or corporations from any and all loss or liability resulting from or rising out of the performance of the moving, and specifically further conditioned for the repair of all damages to any street or streets resulting from the moving, and conditioned further to pay for all damages to any tree or trees which may be injured or damaged by the moving.
      (3)   No permit shall be issued except after payment by the applicant unto the City Clerk- Treasurer of a permit of $25 for each day or fraction thereof during which the moving shall continue.
(Prior Code, § 8.28.030)
   (D)   Exemptions.
      (1)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to the moving of any building or structure moved or about to be moved upon any vehicle licensed by the state, and which building or structure, when loaded on the vehicle, shall not exceed 14 feet in height nor 14 feet in width.
      (2)   Likewise, the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person, persons, firm or corporation moving a house, barn, building or other structure over or upon any state highway when special permission to do so has previously been issued by the State Highway Commission.
(Prior Code, § 8.28.040)
Penalty, see § 151.99