(A) Metered water supply. User charges and fees shall be based upon the total amount of water used from all sources unless, in the determination of the Agency, a significant portion of the water received is not discharged to a community sewer. The total amount of water used from public and private sources will be determined by means of public meters or private meters installed and maintained at the expense of the user and approved by the Agency.
(B) Metered wastewater volume and metered diversions. Where, in the determination of the Agency, a significant portion of the water received from any metered source does not flow into a community sewer because of the principal activity of the user or removal by other means, or where the user obtains water from sources other than the municipal water utility operated by the Agency, the user charges and fees will be applied against the volume of water discharged from such premises into the community sewer. Written notification and proof of the diversion of water must be provided by the user. The user shall, when so directed by the Agency, install a meter of a type and at a location approved by the Agency and at the user’s charge. When deemed necessary by the Agency, such meters shall be tested for accuracy at the expense of the user.
(C) Estimated volume of users without meters. Where, in the opinion of the Agency, it is unnecessary or impractical to install meters, the quantity of wastewater may be based upon an estimate prepared by the user, provided that the user obtains a discharge permit and pays the applicable user charges and fees. This estimate shall be based upon a rational determination of the wastewater discharged and may consider factors such as the number of fixtures, seating capacity, population equivalent, annual production of goods and services or such other determinants of water use necessary to estimate the volume discharged.
(Ord. 2020-02, passed 6-1-2020)